

family connection Weekend

The family connection weekend is the perfect balance between action packed for the kids with craft, clay making, circus activities, new skills, with music production, recording, horse riding, bush walking and more, while still being relaxing for the parents. Enjoy canning on a river, cycling the rail trail and exploring new parts of the world you have never seen before.


Connect as a couple again.

Connect with your kids again and see them enjoy the wild.

Connect with the beauty of the land together.


couples ecstasy weekend

Escape the day in and day out routine of life and come back to remember who you married. The perfect way to re-explore and find your beloved. Do you miss those precious moments together when you were young and silly and everything was perfect with each other. Find that again this weekend.


Discover your long lost lover once again.

learn to love again.

Discover clear communication techniques.

Learn each other’s perspectives and define your language

Physically connect again.


Artists retreat weekend

For all the artists who have not yet found time to create that piece of canvas painting you have always wanted to do. Or publish that book you never have quite finished or sing that song you have always wanted to sing. Even if you don’t have a particular passion, this weekend will guarantee you find it and focus in on achieving your best result with it.


Create the Art piece you have always wanted.

Get Creative and spiritual guidance from our expert team of artists.

Discover the artist in you.

Connect with other artists.

Be inspired.